Earwax Removal in Brentwood & Nashville, TN

Removing Earwax Safely

Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by your ears to protect them from dirt, bacteria, and excess water. However, excessive buildup can lead to temporary hearing loss, discomfort, or even ear infections.

Mythbusting: Q-Tips Are Not Your Friend

Many people believe that cotton swabs are effective for ear cleaning, but they can actually push wax deeper into the ear canal, increasing the risk of injury. In fact, we commonly see patients who have accidentally lacerated their ear canals or punctured their eardrums while using Q-tips. For individuals with diabetes or weakened immune systems, these injuries can lead to serious infections.

How should you clean your ears? 

The safest and most effective method is to leave them alone. Your ears are self-cleaning organs, and most of the time, they don’t require any assistance.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of earwax buildup, such as muffled hearing, ear fullness, or itching, it’s best to consult with a hearing healthcare professional at Ears 4 U Hearing Services in Brentwood & Nashville, TN. Our audiologists can safely and effectively remove earwax using gentle irrigation techniques.

At-home ear irrigation is not recommended unless specifically instructed by a healthcare provider. If you decide to try it, use only distilled water or a doctor-recommended solution. Improper technique can lead to complications, including dizziness, pain, and ear infections.

Remember, your ears are delicate organs. Proper care is essential for maintaining optimal hearing health.

Don’t let earwax affect your quality of life. Schedule an appointment at Ears 4 U Hearing Services today or call 615-205-7942.